Sunday, September 18, 2016

Entry #2 How to make the Relationship Last

The most important advice to give in keeping a relationship is communication! I can't stress that subject enough. Many people think it's better to bottle up the feelings and wait for things to cool down.

However, I have a much different approach. I feel as though everyone's feelings should be validated in a relationship. I have even taken the liberty to look for other researchers opinions. This might just help in fixing your relationship if you find yourself having problems. Is couples therapy for you?

Not every relationship is perfect. Sometimes people need that extra push to stay together and that's not always a bad thing.  People can lack in communication due to fear of their partner not listening or perhaps they have attachment issues in any manner there is always a solution.  Sometimes your partner just needs to be reminded that you still care. Even the simple gestures count. A nice dinner, a romantic walk, a simple message saying just how much you care. Relationships are capable when both people put in the effort to make them last.

A few simple tasks can make for a much happier and healthier relationship. Do you do this in your relationship? Another key factor is trust. You need to be able to trust in order to grow and further your relationship.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Entry #1 Learning About Blogs.

      In my humbled opinion blogging can be fun. Although it is not something I particularly enjoy doing on a regular basis. Unless I'm having a heated mental debate about something I care deeply for.

After reading the various blogs selected by our instructor I've come to the conclusion some blogs were good while others could have been better. I particularly did not enjoy the fact the organization to these blogs were  mostly just links to other links. As shown in the Thirteenth Annual Weblog.  Not to critisize there work but I'd prefer a blog that does not require me to constanly open a new browser to see information.

The blog I absolutely dreaded the most was the business insider I personally do not enjoy reading so many political posts because this years election is not anything I take interest for. However,  some  blogs were enjoyable such as Perez Hilton's blog for its commicle slanders on famous icons. This is enjoyable because its entertaining and provides interesting facts and updates on various celebrities.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

8 Stages of Marathon Running

Getting To Know The Real Taylor

 Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

My name is Taylor. Strap on your seatbelts and get ready to hear about the fascinating life of yours truly.  Who is Taylor you might ask? Well, I'll answer that with a series of other questions. Let me begin by saying I am quite the animal lover. I have two little mice that make my life just a little more splendid. My interests, for the time being, is my lovely boyfriend Riko who also happens to be in that picture above. We have been together 6 months and I hope for him to be the muse of my blogging experience as my intention is to correlate this blog to helping others with relationship advice.

I have limited hobbies due to various time restraints. I enjoy running as it is required for me to stay in good shape. I also enjoy playing with my two adorable mice who bring a little more excitement in my life with their cheerful squeaks.  I am in no way an angry person whatsoever but I strongly dislike compulsive lying. It is deceitful and unacceptable human behavior.  However, I've accepted I can't change the world I can only change myself. Moving forward, Some of my goals both short term and long term include getting my college degree both associates and bachelors and my final conquest getting a job in human resources. I find their line of work to be very informative and in one aspect quite exciting.  As I am reaching the end of my blog I'm sure you're asking yourself. What is so unique about Taylor? Well, I am certainly a sociable person. I love communications with others and waiting for a response.  Maybe it will be good? Or maybe it will be bad? The mystery is so intriguing.  Foremost, I am unique because I am unlike most. I enjoy spending time with my boyfriend and keeping up on family affairs.